本帖最后由 hixon 于 2022-7-12 17:34 编辑
将下面的转换方法放到全局代码(init.js)中定义- var scientificToDecimal = function (num) {
- var nsign = num/Math.abs(num);
- //remove the sign
- num = Math.abs(num);
- //if the number is in scientific notation remove it
- if (/\d+\.?\d*e[\+\-]*\d+/i.test(num)) {
- var zero = '0',
- parts = String(num).toLowerCase().split('e'), //split into coeff and exponent
- e = parts.pop(), //store the exponential part
- l = Math.abs(e), //get the number of zeros
- sign = e / l,
- coeff_array = parts[0].split('.');
- if (sign === -1) {
- l = l - coeff_array[0].length;
- if (l < 0) {
- num = coeff_array[0].slice(0, l) + '.' + coeff_array[0].slice(l) + (coeff_array.length === 2 ? coeff_array[1] : '');
- }
- else {
- num = zero + '.' + new Array(l + 1).join(zero) + coeff_array.join('');
- }
- }
- else {
- var dec = coeff_array[1];
- if (dec)
- l = l - dec.length;
- if (l < 0) {
- num = coeff_array[0] + dec.slice(0, l) + '.' + dec.slice(l);
- } else {
- num = coeff_array.join('') + new Array(l + 1).join(zero);
- }
- }
- }
- return nsign < 0 ? '-'+num : num;
- };
- ui.main.textButton.onRelease = function() {
- util.console.log(scientificToDecimal(2.5e25));
- util.console.log(scientificToDecimal('1.2e-2'));
- util.console.log(scientificToDecimal('-1.123e-10'));
- util.console.log(scientificToDecimal(-1e-3));
- util.console.log(scientificToDecimal(12.12));
- util.console.log(scientificToDecimal('0'));
- };